Faq Common Questions

Our platform offers users all around the world the following services:

  • Money transfer
  • Bill payments
  • Payment of tuition fees

You can pay for transfers on NomadRem with credit and debit cards. You can also use electronic wallet services.

The maximum amount you can send depends on your location. This is because different countries have their own regulations on what people can send to other countries.

Ideally, once you send the money to your loved one in another country, it takes only a few minutes for the person to receive it. However, there could be some issues that would lead to delays. Firstly, if the contact information is incorrect, it will delay the transaction time. Secondly, the operating hours of the third party or recipient can affect the delivery time.

As the sender, you must confirm your identity, address, and government-issued identification card. You will also need to provide us with the corresponding documents of the recipient, the person's email address, and phone number. Once the money has been sent and received, both you and the recipient will receive notifications from our team.

Yes, you can. There is a "Track a transfer" tab on our website. All you must do is fill in the corresponding details, and you can see how your money is being transferred.

Sometimes people can experience these issues. We sincerely apologize. However, you should ensure that your browser is up-to-date before remittance. NomadRem works with all the major browsers, but it is best to use either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for an improved experience.

Our website was created with the explicit goal of safeguarding your account from illegal login attempts. To ensure that we identify each of our customers entirely, we put in place stringent verification procedures. In doing so, we provide that we both protect and prevent criminals. Our company analyzes customer records for any indications of odd behavior.

We can assure you that your data and payments are safe and secure. However, you must be careful with the way you disclose your information. For example, do not write your password in any public place or anywhere someone can gain access. Do not share or transfer money to anyone that you do not recognize. Ensure to contact us if you are not sure about the business partner, affiliate, or digital agent.

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